Smart Summer Tips: Boosting Business Traffic and Reducing Credit Card Processing Fees
Credit card processing fees can eat into your profits, but there are strategies to mitigate these costs. Research different payment processors and compare their rates and fees. Let Riverside Payments work for you, we have direct processing prices and the lowest rates in the industry. We offer transparent pricing, competitive rates, and value-added services that align with your business needs whether big or small.
Using Social Media for More Than Advertising
You can use your social media to give your business a personality. Get your customers to interact and feel like they’re truly connecting, and they’ll feel a connection to the brand you build.
Five Unexpected Ways the Right Point-of-Sale System can Level Up Your Restaurant
A good POS system doesn’t just make it easy to accept different payment types and quickly complete transactions, it benefits your business in ways you might not even expect (as explained in the rest of this article). Here are five ways your entire restaurant will level up with the right POS system.
Get to Know the CARES Act
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act has passed, and will be available to distribute capital quickly and broadly to help your businesses stay open. Here’s how it’ll affect your business.
Honoring Our Commitment To You
To help you keep your business open and continue being the heartbeats of your communities, Riverside has taken steps to ease the financial stress that the Coronavirus has imposed. Whether you’re an existing Riverside customer or you’ve been considering making the switch, we’re pushing to provide you with solutions that will help you keep your doors open.
How to Price Your Seasonal Menu
A seasonal menu is a sure way to keep things interesting for your customers (and your kitchen staff). Learn the secrets to pricing a seasonal menu.
What the Best Restaurants Do Differently
There’s no secret recipe for a successful restaurant. Every business is different, and success depends on finding your own secret sauce. We’ve outlined what the best restaurants do differently here.
The Next Big Thing in Restaurant POS Systems
What should your restaurant be preparing for? Payment systems are changing so fast. Be sure to keep up with the emerging tech trends with these insights.
The Top 5 Point-of-Sale Systems for Any Restaurant
Find the best point-of-sale or credit card processor for you with our list of favorites.
7 Reasons You Need to Change Your Restaurant POS Right Now
Every single transaction goes through your POS, so if it’s slow your whole operation is slow. To make sure your POS system is operating at peak efficiency, we have seven signs that you need to change your restaurant credit card processors right now!
10 Up-and-Coming Restaurants in the Portland Area
Portland, Oregon and its surrounding areas are known for being one of the most foodie-friendly regions in America, with exciting new bars and restaurants popping up seemingly every day. Here are 10 of our favorite up-and-coming restaurants in the area.