What the Best Restaurants Do Differently


There’s no secret recipe for a successful restaurant. Every business is different, and success depends on finding the unique solutions that fit your individual needs. But it just so happens that the most successful restaurants share a lot of the same practices… and you should too!

We’ve put together this list of the best practices from some of the top restaurants around the world. How many of these restaurant best practices do you follow? If the answer isn’t “all of them,” it’s time to make some changes! 

Which brings us to our first point...

1. Make Changes a Little at a Time

Change is the key to survival in the restaurant industry. Even if you’re running a family business that’s been serving grandma’s recipes for thirty-plus years, you’ve surely made changes. New menus, new staff, new paint on the walls… all of these are vital to the ongoing success of your business. But making too many changes at once can really throw off your restaurant—and your customers. Instead, make changes a little at a time to stay relevant and constantly evolving.

2. Always Plan Ahead

All those incremental changes should be made with your long-term goals in mind. Every business, including your favorite restaurants, needs an extended plan. Where will you be in six months? What will you accomplish in a year? Never lose sight of the future for your business, and plan your changes to help you get there. Picture a goal, create a plan to achieve it, and make daily decisions to turn your dream into a reality.

3. Put Your Team First

The best restaurants focus on their talent first and their customers second. After all, what better way to attract customers than by putting together the best possible team? From the kitchen to the table, every member of your team has a direct impact on your clientele. Make decisions that help you attract and retain the best possible people, and it’ll pay off big time.

4. Look for Opportunities

Make a habit of reviewing your restaurant’s numbers—a good Point-of-Sale system with detailed reporting tools can make this easy. As you look at your income and expenses, identify chances to reduce waste and improve efficiency. Nothing reveals the truth about your business like good data. Remember, these aren’t losses; they’re opportunities!

5. Reduce Waste

Speaking of opportunities, pay attention to the food waste coming out of your restaurant. How much of that is absolutely necessary? Managing food waste is managing money—making smart changes to your menu can make a big impact on your bottom line. For example, if you’re throwing out a lot of potato peels, why not add some potato skins to the menu? Making multiple dishes from the same basic ingredients is a great way to stretch your dollar while reducing waste.

6. Never Stop Marketing

From your social media feeds to the sign outside your door, remember that everything a customer sees is a marketing opportunity. Ask yourself what sort of message you’re sending to your customers, and potential customers, and make sure you’re always on-brand and promoting your business! 

7. Connect with Your Customers

When’s the last time you offered a coupon code to your customers? These may seem like small things, but they can really help you connect with your customers and build repeat business. This is another place where a modern POS system really comes in handy, making it easy to create, distribute, and accept coupon codes and customer discounts.

8. Embrace New Technology

It’s a tech-driven world out there, and the restaurant industry is no exception. Make sure you stay on top of the latest tech and trends, so you’re not missing out on anything that could help your restaurant stand out from the pack!

We know that running a restaurant is no easy task. Follow the advice from this article, you’ll at least be putting your best foot forward. Just remember: things change quickly, but you don’t have to—make sure any new tech is actually making your job (and your life) easier. Don’t feel pressure to follow a trend unless it will actually help!


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