Riverside Payments Stands for Justice and Equality

We believe that Black Lives Matter.


Riverside Family; 

Today, we humbly open our hearts to you with sadness, outrage, and determination. We are distraught over the events that have unfolded in our country over the past week. We mourn with the families and friends of George Floyd, Ahmaud Aubry, Breonna Taylor, and for all of those who have died for no discernable reason other than the color of their skin. We are outraged that this inhumane act of brutality was broadcast for the world to see, adding another senseless death to the long history of systemic prejudice and violence towards people of color in America.

At Riverside, we believe that silence in the face of injustice is not only unacceptable; it is the same as being complicit. Riverside will speak up for justice. 

With communication, empathy, and education, we can move forward with new ideas and new leadership, and take responsibility for creating a future that provides equal justice for all Americans. 

Today, we are making a commitment to you as a company. We are taking urgent steps to elevate these issues inside our company and in the community. We will explore opportunities to educate our staff, continue to encourage our management level employees to be involved with community and advocacy organizations, and will further expand our non-profit outreach and charitable giving as a company with an emphasis on systemic racism. 

As a young company, this is uncharted territory for us. It is important to acknowledge that we could have done more in the past. We can only hope that events of the past week will lead others to take responsibility for the future, so that together we can build systems that finally give people of color the equality they deserve. 

The Riverside Family is committed to making a meaningful impact on the lives of our friends, customers, colleagues, and all individuals—no matter the color of their skin. We must seize this moment, join together, and fight for a more just future. 

Together We Rise.

Brandon Skinner | CEO, Riverside Payments

Jason Reese | CFO, Riverside Payments


Celebrating April Everhart, Territory Sales Manager


Meet Kayce Valentine, Account Executive