The March Madness Marvel - Melissa Krepp
Melissa Krepp, March Madness 2019 winner
It was an intense and sales-packed month as our best faced off for Riverside’s March Madness; but as the saying goes and holds true, ‘there can only be one winner.” This year, rookie and raging rockstar, Melissa Krepp, took the title! “March madness was crazy! There are so many super tough competitors, and everyone was trying their best. This is going to sound silly but despite the fact that I’m 34, I’m really proud of how proud my parents are that I won this. They are so unnecessarily excited. And I’m glad that I could prove to them not only that this job is a viable life choice, but is also something that I’m good at. They still might think that this job is strange, but now they know that it’s something that will support the boys and I without any problems.”
What pushed Melissa to the finish line? “I go into every appointment and every door as if it is the most amazing incredible place I’ve been in all day. I know that we talk a lot about affirmations and the law of attraction, but to be completely honest those are the things that I attribute to my success. I tell people that you just have to go in there exuding as much positivity as possible and smiling like a complete idiot and with the knowledge that you simply walking through their door is giving them the opportunity to make their business life better.” Melissa’s family has experience as small business owners. She knows first hand how important every penny is and asks her customers to put faith in knowing she is there to personally take care of them.
Melissa also credits Riverside Payments to her success. “This place has an energy and enthusiasm that for me is addictive. We help and support each other so much on every level of this party. Working out here, driving 4 to 5 hours a day at least, living in a world that is not the traditional office space can be a crazy experience! The reason I succeed, the reason any of us succeed, is the roots and the foundation upon which Riverside has been built; upon the shoulders of strong, caring, enthusiastic, helpful, supportive, phenomenal and extraordinary people.”
She refuses to stop there, though. Melissa is already planning her next goals and is fired up over them! “My ‘dream’ goal is to be able to pay for half or more of what my family calls our Family Vacation in the summer. This is a vacation that my parents usually fund most of. This is a vacation where they rent a house on a beach, or somewhere we can take their boats. My sister brings her family and I bring my boys and we stay for a week. I would like to be able to contribute at least 50% of the total cost.”
“I’m thankful to wake up on the right side of the grass. I feel extremely blessed to have my family, my precious little boys, and the people that love and support me. But right now, in this moment, I am exceedingly thankful for Riverside. A year ago today I was jobless, panicking, completely in a dark place, and unsure of what my future would hold. I made it through that summer by the grace of God, help from my parents, and a job that definitely did NOT pay the bills. Then Riverside happened! I would go to sleep at night asking God if this was where I was supposed to be and what I was supposed to be doing. I believe at this point of the party, His answer is ‘Absolutely, Melissa! This is where I want you to be! You are doing the right thing!’
We would like to give a huge shout out to Melissa for her dedication, amazing strength, determination, and winning March Madness. We would also like to give a huge shout out to all of our fantastically fierce Account Executives that blew records out of the water this month and helped take us to our next level. We love being a part of your successes and we’re here to push you to your next dreams in any way we can. It was a stellar month, and you all deserve a round of applause. Our hats are off to you!
Written by Helen Simpson - Orcutt