The No BS Show Episode #14 - Personal Growth in the Sales Industry

On episode 14 of The No BS Show, National Sales Manager, Amie Sanders, joins Brandon in sharing her story.

Amie has been in sales most of her professional life; marketing, cell phone sales, etc. She knew she wanted to make a lot of money and wanted more from her career. It so happened that Amie had a friend who worked part-time for Riverside. She saw the opportunity and hit it hard!

Amie took severals skills away from her job history, including closing deals, working past the “No”, and overcoming adversity thru focusing on her Whys.

Amie has always been stubborn and has a take charge attitude. She started as a young mom who wanted to provide a good life for her kids and didn’t want them stressing about the roof over their head. She didn’t have a lot of money growing up, which has helped drive her. Being successful for her children has been key in her determination to succeed. Brandon can completely relate, as one of his biggest Whys is ensuring he can provide for his family.

Amie remembers staying in a hotel every day with her kids. Trying to find a place to live was very difficult and not making enough money to keep the roof over their heads was a turning point for her. She has had an amazing support team behind her who has helped pick her up when she fell down.

Brandon shares that he couch-surfed with his good friend Mikey for a whole summer during his struggles. He took away several strength-building traits like leaning on friends and family during the hard times, don’t seclude yourself and not to be afraid to ask for help. He also states that Paying It Forward is a concept everyone should consider. Brandon has always been big on learning and improving yourself: there will always be someone better than you so never stop learning from those around you and focus on what you can do to improve.

Brandon and Amie leave you with this tip: Start the sprint! Live with no regrets!!