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If you’re familiar with sports, then there’s no doubt you’ve heard about March Madness. Here at Riverside Payments we have our own version of that. Each week our incredibly determined and motivated account executives paired off and faced one another; whoever secured the most sales advanced to the next round of a very exciting competition. It started with 64 and now we are down to the Final Four!  We are proud to announce April Everhart, Curtis Swires, Rachel Kirk and Shelly Stoddard are our Final Four All-Stars.

When asked about how it feels to be in the Final Four, April said she knew it was going to happen. “Last year I was working part-time and made it as the runner-up. I am excited and I better win it! There’s no other option.” When asked about her goals and why’s, April said providing for her daughter, Haylee, is her biggest reason. Being able to support her parents, live carefree and stress-free, while being able to travel are also pretty high on her list of goals. “I want my daughter to be proud of me and to work as hard as I do when she grows up.”

When asked about how he feels about being in the Final Four, Curtis states, “Being in the Top 4 is a confirmation of my drive and hustle. This is a group of the best the company has to offer and it is an honor.” For his goals and his reasons for pushing, Curtis credits wanting to get business owners out of their current situations and into better ones. His biggest why is his beautiful wife. He wants to be able to give her financial freedom when he is no longer around. Also on his list of goals is being able to sign Waffle House and the University of Alabama; home to the 2017 national football champions, Crimson Tide.

Next up, we have newcomer Rachel, who has risen the ranks gracefully but with absolute power behind her perseverance. There’s no denying March Madness is her focus, and a laser focus at that. “I’m stoked to be in the Final Four! We have a ton of hardworking reps, and I’m running amongst some of the greats!” Her reasons for pushing are her amazing children. “I want to give them a life full of experiences they will cherish. I want to spoil my parents because they have done for me my whole life, and I want to help local businesses save money while growing our economy.”

And last but certainly not least, we have Shelly. “Being in the Final Four makes me feel proud to be one step closer to The National Championship. I am grateful for the opportunity!” Shelly accredits financial freedom and her family to her why’s and motivation. “I’ve always had a strong desire to be successful and to be in a position to make a difference. Riverside has been such a blessing for my family. I would like to share this opportunity with as many people as possible!”

Written by Helen Simpson